“se sei rigido a 30 anni sei vecchio, se sei completamente flessibile a 60, sei giovane”.
Increases lung capacity and circulation trough deep, healthy breathing; strengthens all core and back muscles; creates a strong and well toned pelvic floor;
Engages the mind and improves body awareness; reduces stress, relieves tension and back pain; restores postural alignment; creates a flexible spine; improves bone density and joint health;
Teaches balance and control of the body; improves our mood. These skills can be applied to all areas of one’s life style.
Is the skill that allows the mind to focus on what the body is doing. Concentration helps to gain awareness that leads to control.
Is the neuromuscular coordination that guarantees that exercises are carried out correctly.
Moving with control and with exact body strokes helps to seek and coordinate precise and accurate moves every time an exercise is performed. This takes to flowing movement.
When exercises are mastered and controlled, then the moves gain rhythm they will gracefully enter one into the next. /p>
Pilates focuses also on correct breathing during each exercise. The best breathing is deep and, as a rule, the breath ‘in’ is used to prepare for a movement and the breath ‘out’ to execute it.
The human body has a physical centre from which all motion proceeds. Pilates called this centre ‘Power-House’, and all his exercises focus on strengthening all the muscles associated in this area.
Joseph Pilates nacque in Germania il 9 dicembre del 1880. Da piccolo era debole e malaticcio in quanto soffriva di asma, rachitismo e febbre reumatica. Per la sua attitudine agli studi, presto gli venne regalato un libro di anatomia, e dopo averlo studiato, assieme a varie forme di ginnastiche occidentali e orientali (yoga compreso), iniziò a sviluppare una sua tipologia di movimenti, e a 14 anni allenò così bene la propria struttura fisica che fece da modello per illustrazioni di libri e tabelle anatomiche.
We would like to thank the Pilates Method Alliance for contents concerning the method and biography Joseph Pilates - Pilates Method Alliance Inc. Copyright 2009, Miami, Florida